Although my days can be filled on a daily basis by teaching English almost whenever I want (literally I have both students and teachers from the morning and afternoon asking when I might be stopping in their class), I have stuck to teaching in the afternoon with the middle/high school kids. It's been a lot of work I finished grading over 160 tests and compiling the final grades for all of those students (and that's just middle school). However I had asked to do that so I could begin to learn some of the names of the students and so that I could gain a better grasp on how the tests I created for the students went for them. I found several areas that I can help them with for the following tests and although excitement is there I am quite happy to have a little break. The system used here is different that what I am accustomed to as they use a scale of 5-10 for grading, 5 being failing (or just passing) and 10 being like an A.
It has also been an educational experience for me every day in the classroom, with consistent reminders from the teachers and students about my pronunciation or just complete bewilderment as to what I am trying to explain. Nonetheless I ask for the feedback to help both me and the students gain more understanding. Obviously my Spanish background is not that same as what they learned so we need to meet somewhere in-between. Daily frustration is common, although I generally look foreword to the obstacles I encounter with optimism and have found my patience growing. That said I have grown attached to the students for their effort, energy, and growth they have already shown during the first few months (the school year starts in January). While English is the subject we spend time with in class, I have told the students that what I am really trying to do is encourage independent thinking. Hopefully we can accomplish some of that and learn from each other during my time here.