On a positive note we want to share information about our new family. Tom and I moved the week before vacation, so have not had a lot of time to get to know them, but thus far they are fabulous. Upon arrival Tom and I were thrilled with our new habitation, we had no idea life could be this good.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Our new family
Well, I would like to start out by saying, I hope Tom didn´t scare to many of you with his previous blog. Unfortunately, it is one of the precautions we have to take here as ¨gringos¨and need to be wary of who to trust or believe.
On a positive note we want to share information about our new family. Tom and I moved the week before vacation, so have not had a lot of time to get to know them, but thus far they are fabulous. Upon arrival Tom and I were thrilled with our new habitation, we had no idea life could be this good.
We have a large room, almost twice the size of the other room, a full size bed, a linoleum floor, and lots of shelf space. We were so excited about this room that we immediately jumped up and down and took some pictures. Teresa (our mom) is a fantastic cook!!! She firmly believes in eating healthy, therefore no strange pieces of fat have showed up on either of our plates. Teresa has two kids, Roberto; 4, and Andrea; 7, they are similar to other kids these ages, as they have a lot of energy.....and it seems either one or both cry at least a couple times a day. The first day Tom and I were at our new house, Tom and I finished lunch and went to our room, after we opened the door Andrea wandered in and started bouncing on the bed, and then proceeded to rummage through some of our items on the desk (this all happened within 10 seconds). Since Tom and I did not have the correct grammer to stay ¨You need to ask before touching our things and before coming in¨, I could only say ¨no, no, no¨which only worked for so long. Thankfully, Marge gave us tons of stickers which became the perfect distraction, I brought out the sticker book and lured Andrea outside of our room to oogle over the many stickers we have. We continue to get questioned about the stickers, daily... which has developed into fun and cute situations such as when they knocked on door wearing the stickers over one eye saying ¨¡Somos piratas!¨ (we are pirates) leaving Tom and I laughing allong with them. Although we happily give them each one, sometimes two stickers most days, we also try to interact with them in other ways. Needless to say Tom and I are very happy with our new family.
On a positive note we want to share information about our new family. Tom and I moved the week before vacation, so have not had a lot of time to get to know them, but thus far they are fabulous. Upon arrival Tom and I were thrilled with our new habitation, we had no idea life could be this good.