After a long two days of traveling with a several mini-adventures along the way we now find ourselves with our host family about to celebrate the new year. The first day we got hung up in Houston due to our connecting flight being late and the end result was missing the bus that took us to Xela. So we needed to stay the night in a hostal in Guatemala City which was extremely quiet, in fact there was no one else there and often the manager would leave the front desk and we couldn´t find them. Not that we would have had much to talk to them about at that point anyway since they didn´t know any English and Tom´s spanish was a bit shaky at first. Melissa was daring enough to take a cold shower Saturday morning at 530 and came out already though a bit cold. We hopped on a bus after Victor who was our savior from the airport, as well as our transporter to and from the hostal to the bus station, bought us tickets to Xela. Although we slept most of the way and were in and out of Cobra (starring a young Sly Stallone) and Cars which were both dubbed over in Spanish, (Okay Tom was watching more than Melissa) we enjoyed beautiful scenery. After arriving Mario from the school found us (much to our relief) and the rest has been cake, HAHA. We´ve been getting by and Tom´s spanish is beginning to get better which helps, but not as much as Melissa´s humor. Our host family is extremely nice and we will write more about them later as well. Well, that´s all for now as we need to get ready to bring in the new year with 10 Guatemalans who know little to no english and 5 of them we haven´t even met yet. Thanks goodness for humor and broken spanish.... and dictionaries!